Action Foundation

Elaine's summer fundraiser

Elaine Thompson

Elaine Thompson

My Story

I'm doing a summer steps challenge during August (challenging myself to do 8,000 steps each day!) to raise money for Action Foundation. This is the Newcastle charity I volunteer with, which provides English lessons to refugees and asylum seekers in the north east and also provides much needed help with housing and creates a welcoming environment for people who are often isolated and vulnerable.

Action Foundation does really valuable work and I'd be thrilled if you could support my steps challenge this summer.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I'm doing a summer steps challenge during August (challenging myself to do 8,000 steps each day!) to raise money for Action Foundation. This is the Newcastle charity I volunteer with, which provides English lessons to refugees and asylum seekers in the north east and also provides much needed help with housing and creates a welcoming environment for people who are often isolated and vulnerable.

Action Foundation does really valuable work and I'd be thrilled if you could support my steps challenge this summer.